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‘Transitional Justice Updates from Turkey’, your source on the ground for news and analysis on transitional justice (TJ) in Turkey.
#TJUpdatesFromTurkey Blog
What is #TJUpdatesFromTurkey?
#TJUpdatesFromTurkey publishes and delivers recent news from Turkey focused on TJ, as well as research and analysis that re-frame the country’s past and present from a TJ perspective.
Most of the recent developments in Turkey that closely concern the TJ field go unnoticed by English-language press as well as academia and practice. This echoes the overall scarcity of publications that tackle Turkey’s recent history from a TJ lens. Through #TJUpdatesFromTurkey, we hope to contribute to filling this gap while stimulating discussions in the broader TJ field on Turkey. Our objective is to facilitate exchanges between civil society and academia in Turkey and other contexts with TJ experiences in order to enrich bottom-up efforts to establish Turkey’s own mechanisms to deal with the past.
Who are we?
#TJUpdatesFromTurkey is brought to you by DEMOS Research Association, a non-profit, non-governmental civil society organization based in Ankara, Turkey, and led by researchers, activists, academics, and practitioners who advocate for TJ in Turkey to deal with past injustices and build a democratic and peaceful future for all.
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